What’s the deal with self-leadership?
Sandy Thompson
Before we can lead a team, organisation or community, first we need to lead ourselves. To lead in a community context that is complex, ambiguous and fluid, you as a leader need to be confident about who you are. This includes knowing what you believe in, what your values are, and what you want to achieve. It also includes holding yourself accountable to these, and aligning your life accordingly. At LEAD we call this your leadership philosophy.
This is not some nefarious new age philosophy. Leaders who have high levels of emotional intelligence, especially self-awareness are seen as more authentic, trustworthy, and influential. It makes sense that at the centre of leadership is the person who, above anything, is not only facilitating, but also living the difference we seek in our organisations and communities.
In his 2011 research on embodied leadership, author Pete Hamill argues that self-awareness is an important starting point for leadership development. He explains that leadership development involves a process of self-reflection, developing self-awareness, and self-cultivation. This results in behaviour change and also enhances a leader’s ability to manage intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.
Self-leadership helps leaders become more self-aware and disciplined, and build stronger relationships.
Many of the leaders we work with at LEAD share with us that they feel like imposters and are “making it up as they go along”. Developing a sense of who you are, what you can do, and where you are going as a leader is a sure-fire way to address these doubts, and build confidence.
For many of us reflection does not come naturally and taking time out to reflect on our leadership is not routine. For this reason, Sandy Thompson and Hilary Star Foged from LEAD are facilitating a full day of reflection for those leaders who are seeking support to build their reflective practice and would like to develop their own leadership philosophy. It’s happening in December 2019, so that you’re good to go with greater confidence into a new year of leadership.
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