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Ōtautahi Governance Bites April 2025

What are the 2 key mindsets for making better Board decisions? Come along and find out!

What: Ōtautahi Governance Bites 2025 

Where: 3rd Wednesday of Month, at Aldersgate, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch Central

When: Sessions will run from 5.30pm to 7.00pm, with doors opening and pizza, tea & coffee available from 5.00pm.

Hosted by Volunteer Canterbury, and free to participants, thanks to funding from Rātā Foundation. Registration essential for each session at 

Better Board Decision-making

Date: 16 Apr 2025 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman, from LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership

Non-profit boards only have authority as a group. What’s the different dynamics between individual and group decision-making? And what key difference in approach is required when making routine decision, and when looking to innovate to at least ensure we know what all the options are (beyond the same old-same old)? How can understanding the three key ‘mindsets’ that people can bring to governance decision-making help us make better decisions, and help us ensure we are asking the right questions. This session will provide participants with two useful tools that will help you in making better group decisions. 

2 April


7 May

Governance Bytes 2025: Governance for a Changing World: Climate and Sustainability Leadership