leadership news, updates, tips, and tools
Trust Law Overhaul - Is Your Trust Still Running By The Book?
In January this year the law that regulates how trusts are run received its first major overhaul in 60 years. It is important trustees are aware of the Act and understand how it may impact on your organisation.
Some Simple Thoughts about Complexity
Simple suggestions on how to support your leadership in complex times.
The Importance Of Self-Reflection
The importance of self-reflection. What is it? How do you do it? And why it’s an essential part of being a great leader.
Non-profit and Community Governance Survey
LEAD is researching what good governance looks like in Aotearoa New Zealand for non-profit or community organisations. We invite you to take part in a short online survey to identify challenges and strengths faced by the not-for-profit sector.
Setting Your Leadership Sails
Discover the benefits of identifying, developing and living into your own personal leadership philosophy.
Volunteer Management Game-Changer
As if a mission to build up the mana of the homeless by providing a mobile laundry and shower facilities wasn’t enough, the team behind Orange Sky have a new initiative they want to share with other non-profits and it’s set to be a game-changer for managing mighty volunteer teams.
Steadying The Ship In Time Of Crisis
Advice for non-profit Chairs on ways to steady the ship in a crisis. Lessons learnt and shared after New Zealand’s first COVID-19 lockdown.
Leading & Learning Go Together
Sandy Thompson blogs how exceptional leaders are life-long learners, and gives some characteristics of a good leadership development programme.
I love setbacks.
A case story from Fiji show us how resistance to change and project setbacks give us the opportunity to learn some important lessons.
Good Practice Governance and other Not for Profit Leadership Myths
Garth Nowland-Foreman & Sandy Thompson unpack some of what is put forward as ‘good governance’ practice, and shows how it’s not what actually happens in many real live non-profits.
What’s the deal with self-leadership?
Before we can lead a team, organisation or community, first we need to lead ourselves. Self-reflective capability is crucial to self-leadership.
Team Leaders - the critical link between people and performance
Aly McNicoll shares how if you’re a team leader or manager, what people care about most at work, is in your control
Organisation Collaboration: it doesn’t just happen
In working with New Zealand organisations, Sandy Thompson finds that when it comes to making stuff happen together successfully, leadership is a key.
What’s the big deal about specific ‘not for profit’ leadership training?
As a Sector and as individual not for profit organisations we're stronger than we think. We have a huge wealth of knowledge and operate in a unique context. In this article Sandy Thompson, Hilary Star Foged and Garth Nowland-Foreman put forward the value of leadership training for not for profit leaders that is deeply embedded in and informed by the sector, rather than generic approaches that fail to understand our unique qualities.
Managers as coaches - getting the best out of the people you lead
Aly McNicoll talks about the inherent conflict of interest for managers coaching their direct reports, and the value of knowing which role you’re playing.
LEAD's Submission to the Review of the Charities Act 2005
LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance & Leadership propose that the Charities Act Review should be referred to the Law Commission for a more considered, wide-ranging and independent review, based on first-principles. Failing this we make further specific recommendations in six areas for immediate remedy of the current legislation
Getting to Outcomes in the Real World
Outcomes are clearly important, and 'making a difference’ or having an impact is what we want to focus on as tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector organisations. However, Outcome Measures are riddled with systemic limitations and distortions. This webinar is hosted by Community Research & presented by Garth Nowland-Foreman, LEAD Director.
An Uncharitable Embrace: It's not too late to have your say on the Charities Act 2005
Garth Nowland-Foreman offers six Recommendations that we can make before 30th April. This is your once-in-a-generation opportunity to help create a world-leading framework of charity law in New Zealand.
Leadership Transitions are an Opportunity for Change
Sandy Thompson summarises her key learnings on making smarter succession decisions for an all-round win.
The Challenge of Change
Hilary Star Foged reflects on the presentations from the 2019 National Not for Profit Conference and the challenges of making changes.