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Volunteer Management Game-Changer
Uncategorized Katrina Green Uncategorized Katrina Green

Volunteer Management Game-Changer

As if a mission to build up the mana of the homeless by providing a mobile laundry and shower facilities wasn’t enough, the team behind Orange Sky have a new initiative they want to share with other non-profits and it’s set to be a game-changer for managing mighty volunteer teams.

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What’s the big deal about specific ‘not for profit’ leadership training?
Uncategorized Katrina Green Uncategorized Katrina Green

What’s the big deal about specific ‘not for profit’ leadership training?

As a Sector and as individual not for profit organisations we're stronger than we think.  We have a huge wealth of knowledge and operate in a unique context.  In this article Sandy Thompson, Hilary Star Foged and Garth Nowland-Foreman put forward the value of leadership training for not for profit leaders that is deeply embedded in and informed by the sector, rather than generic approaches that fail to understand our unique qualities.

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Uncategorized Katrina Green Uncategorized Katrina Green

LEAD's Submission to the Review of the Charities Act 2005

LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance & Leadership propose that the Charities Act Review should be referred to the Law Commission for a more considered, wide-ranging and independent review, based on first-principles. Failing this we make further specific recommendations in six areas for immediate remedy of the current legislation

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Getting to Outcomes in the Real World
Uncategorized Katrina Green Uncategorized Katrina Green

Getting to Outcomes in the Real World

Outcomes are clearly important, and 'making a difference’ or having an impact is what we want to focus on as tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector organisations. However, Outcome Measures are riddled with systemic limitations and distortions. This webinar is hosted by Community Research & presented by Garth Nowland-Foreman, LEAD Director.

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